Sense of Raw
2022. Sound and Sculptural Perfroamcne.Live sound performance with raw eggs exploring how passive domesticated
existence and objects can unveil their strength and intimacy. With the help of
the artist, eggs interact with an installation of hanging balances in
the form of wooden planks, creating tension by rolling and colliding, cracking
and breaking down and finding equilibrium. Throughout the performance, sounds
produced by eggs fill up the entire space, amplifying the intimate relationship
of the object with itself and its environment. The audience can experience all
the dimensions of “Eggness” throughout the senses. The artist helps situate
objects to invite the audience into the world of eggs.
Sound Operation and Design: Wiktoria Grzybowska
Lighting Operation and Design: Wenjun Dong
Stage Assistant: Sanli Wang
Photography: Pablura Herrera
Special Thanks to Dou Dou, Pablo Temboury, Danny Temboury, Kaijing Wang, Panna Hyun